Ultimate Self-Care Schedule

Show Up For YOU In 2024 With This Easy-To-Follow Self-Care Schedule.

Sometimes the only way we can carve out time for ourselves is when we schedule it on our calendars. Things like workouts, therapy, hair appointments – if it is on the calendar we are more likely to follow through with it!

To help set us up for success, I created a master list of ALL the appointments we need to make each year so it can literally be a printed playbook for taking care of you!

This list is tailored to women but men you can swap in similar appointments for your parts. And make sure you use this list to guide you with appointments for everyone in your family – spouse, kids, parents!

Annual appointments for your self-care schedule:

  1. Wellness visit with your primary care physician

  2. Gynecologic exam

  3. Mammogram (women in their 40s and older)

  4. Dermatologist

  5. Eye exam

  6. Financial advisor

  7. Tax advisor

  8. Any medical specialists appointments as needed

  9. Set annual goals/resolutions

Appointments to make every every 6-months:


  2. Body fat percentage (from a registered facility not a home scale)

Appointments to make every month:

  1. Review goals from the previous month

  2. Set goals for the new month

  3. Self-care for the month (hair, nails, etc.)

Appointments to make every week:

  1. Review goals from the last week

  2. Set goals for the new week

  3. Self-care for the week (personal training, therapy, etc.)

Appointments to make every day:

  1. Meditate/Gratitude practice

  2. Exercise

  3. Do one thing to bring you closer to your weekly, monthly, and annual goals

How to implement this self-care shedule

There are a few different strategies for using this checklist. Sit down and schedule all the annual and bi-annual visits in one session and then add the quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily check ins to your calendar. 

Alternatively on the first of each month you can pick an appointment to make from the annual or bi-annual list and keep doing that until all the appointments are complete. You will still need to add the quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily tasks to your calendar.

By keeping your mental and physical health top of mind you will be on your way to next level health and wellness Where attention goes, energy flows!

Want a printable of this health and wellness guide?

I know it’s not easy to implement new habits. That’s why I created this printable checklist outlining all the appointments listed in this post. Say hellooooo to new habits and a healthier you! Download checklist

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